Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our trip, so far

We stopped yesterday at the Iowa 80 truck stop, the world's largest truck stop and according to Dan, the first. Alex was so excited to get to met Lizzie, he just had to get his picture with her. For those of you who don't have to watch Cars almost everyday, Lizzie is the old car in the movie.

We drove a long, long, long way on 80, Dennis took this picture when Alex was trying to use the bathroom on the side of the road today.
Dennis finally got to eat at a Sonic! They run the commercials all the time, but until recently there hasn't been one near us and now that there is, it's very busy all the time, so we haven't gone yet.

Our navigators, no wonder it took so long to get there, one has yesterday's directions and the other has the return trip.
Here they are, just happy to be in Wyoming and that much closer to our western family.
We made it safe and sound and are looking forward to having a good time for the rest of the week.
Get ready for a lot of pictures coming your way soon!

1 comment:

Annie and Rojelio said...

have fun! i love sonic's ocean water . . .