Monday, August 4, 2008

Matt's new room

I noticed that Matt kept trying to crawl up the steps and when I would let him go all the way up, he would just go into his room and play. So, being the wonderful person that I am, I decided to switch rooms with Matt this way he could be downstairs and go into his room and play whenever he wants.
Alex and Dennis worked very hard all day yesterday priming & painting, we set up the furniture after the boys went to bed.
Matt was very upset this morning when he went to play with his toys, while I showered, only to find that there were none in his (old) room. He was very happy to find them all downstairs.
We painted the walls a light yellow with green, blue and white polka dots around the window and doors.
Matt loves being able to look out his new window!
Alex likes the new room too. He is very excited that his brother is going to live across from him.

1 comment:

Annie and Rojelio said...

excellent room, love the polka dots too